Monday, March 19, 2012

Crazy week!

     Had a bunch of ups and downs in all areas of life this past week.  No different from anyone else I'm sure, just that the ups were too high and the downs were too low!  Ok, it's probably not as bad as I make it sound since I don't really go through big drops in energy or mood.  The good thing is the week ended on a positive note!  

     Started out on Monday with a perfectly paced 20mi run on a good part of the lakefront that I've never run on before.  I've been running so much lately on the same two routes that it's really wearing me down a bit.  A few times I've gone with Marty (my brother) driving to the lake instead of running and it's been nice not to have to run 3mi down the street to get there.  Well, the turn around point on that 20mi run was atop a hill that you can get a pretty good view of Chicago's skyline looking north.  I saw Navy Pier which was about 5mi away and it looked so tiny!  I couldn't believe that I had to do double of what I was looking at.  But, I was ready for it and feeling good so I ended up finishing the second 10mi with a good negative split (2nd half faster than the 1st half).

     The rest of the week was interesting since we've had some crazy weather.  It's still winter and people are running outside without shirts and that's unheard of here in Chicago in March.  As nice as it is to be running outside with only shorts and one shirt, I feel it was too high a temperature jump and it's tough to get used to right away.  I had a 12miler scheduled but had to break it up into two runs as the heat drained me and made me turn around early.  Good thing is I got all my mileage in this week, which I haven't done in the past few weeks.

     The week ended with a 5k race that I've done for the 3rd year in a row.  It's the St. Paddy's Day 5k/8k which was actually my first race after 9 years of no racing, so I may just do this every year as a sentimental thing.  So far, every year was an improvement and yesterday's race was big for me since I finally went under 20min for a 5k.  What made the race fun though, was being with friends and family.  My father and son came to watch and a few friends raced with us, too.  Just an overall good time as it is with any other race that you do with others.


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